Train the Full Spectrum of Movement

We believe the body is comprised of a full spectrum of movement that should be intentionally trained: from the subtle movements of our Nervous System to the larger, physical ones we traditionally think of when training Strength.

Our programming is a unique blend of both to create the strongest Self we all want: one that is mentally clear, physically agile and emotionally resilient.

Learn about Our Programs

  • We train what we call “tiny movement patterns”. These are the subtler movements of our Nervous System like: Choice-Making, Emotional + Thinking Patterns, Metabolic Functioning, Breathing, Cueing Neuromuscular Patterns...

    These Programs are very popular, for any ability level, because they provide THE Foundation for Strength-Building.

  • Progressive Overload, 9-12 Week Blocks, always the *most* comprehensive in support, guidance + brain gains.

    It’s intelligent Strength-Training, informed by physiotherapists, movement professionals + the most-current movement science available. We don’t mess around - You’ll move with more quality, strength + connection than you ever have.

    We offer a full, progressive program set of 4, 9-12 week cycles. They’re perfect for home or gym use and are designed to be almost a full year of training.

  • Progressive Overload, 9-12 Week Blocks, always the *most* comprehensive in support, guidance + brain gains.

    It’s intelligent Strength-Training, informed by physiotherapists, movement professionals + the most-current movement science available. We don’t mess-around - You’ll move with more quality, strength + connection than you ever have.

    We offer a full, progressive program set of 4, 9-12 week cycles. They’re perfect for home or gym use and are designed to be almost a full year of training.

Visit our Instagram Page

We chronicle a lot of our practices + resources on IG. If you want to get to know us better, follow along here or visit the Pillar App.

We train 4 Pillars for Whole Body Strength

  • Pillar 1

    What if building your fullest body potential had less to do with squats and more to do with turning up the volume on your   i  n  t  u  i  t  i  o  n  ?

    We live in a LOUD time – it’s filled with distractions. And those distractions (mainly those engineered by modern tech: media, Industrial Food, Industrial Medical Complex, etc) steal your attention and your ability to attune to your body’s sophisticated, native technologies. 

    Power + Strength come from self-awareness. When we sharpen our proprioception + interoception as an integral part of the traditional Strength Training Process, we find the Body-Mind Connection is not only valuable – it is THE AXIS that leads us deeper and closer to our highest self. 

  • Pillar 2

    Energy In:

    What do you put in your body? How is your current state fueled? Do you rest when you need to? How’s your sleep? Do you know what nourishes you? How’s your connection to food? Does stress own you or do you manage the inputs (hello, boundaries).

    Energy Out:

    How do you use energy? How much do you move daily? Do you exercise? Do you actively build relationships? Do you have excess energy that builds as tension +/ has become chronic pain? 

    We consider Energy from the logical perspective: Food.

    We also consider energy from the less-obvious, though more consequential perspective, of your emotional + mental set-points: What subconscious hunger is presenting itself in your habits? What choices are you making to harmonize, or sabotage, your Energy Balance? (yes, choices are movements, too) 

  • Pillar 3

    We are natural beings who need to attune to the natural world by-design.

    Our bodies are hard-wired, by evolutionary adaptations, to grow with the natural rhythms of things.

    Our state-of-health is correlated with how much we walk outside. Our eyes (the outside-part of our brain), are filled with neuroreceptors that calibrate once they see the sun. Those eyes are also seeking inputs of flow through space, along with the inputs of fresh air to balance the Nervous System.

    The soles of our feet have 100s of mechanoreceptors to receive information from the ground – not concrete – soil! The electromagnetic waves from the earth are meant to be found by our feet and attune to them. (*grounding*, look it up)

    How we perceive the world around us, via our sensory systems, is a big part of our proprioceptive + interoceptive capacity. Those communication systems play a big part in our relationships, habits, ways of moving through this world.

    This is worth noting when we look at our states (and degradation in those states) of Health in our body. Stress, recovery + growth cycles are asking for a deeper look within us to give clues to how our bodies move on the surface and in the environment. Wherever we can, we seek to recalibrate these rhythms with this framework.

  • Pillar 4

    Our body consists of trillions of tiny movement patterns that articulate every second of the day to allow for us to move in the world. While our programming focuses primarily on the gross-motor patterns of: squat, hinge, push, pull, carry, we value and train strong movements within to maximize the movements in the environment.

    We use a “Wholistic” Movement Framework to specifically train:

    The Neuromuscular System: The neuromuscular system is the coordination of the nervous system and muscles that control movement, posture, and breathing

    Neuromotor Function: These activities demonstrate your levels of proprioception and include motor skills like coordination, agility, balance, and gait.

    Gross Motor Patterns: Squat, Hinge, Push, Pull, Press + Carry are what the human body typically articulates in everyday gross motor functioning.

    Interoception: This is the ability to sense and perceive internal bodily signals, such as heart rate, hunger, and temperature. It's a collection of senses that can be conscious or subconscious, and it's considered a critical part of understanding how we feel in the moment.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!